HomeANXIETYTop Yoga Asanas for Migraine Headaches Relief

Top Yoga Asanas for Migraine Headaches Relief

Top Yoga Asanas for Migraine Headaches Relief

Migraine is a mental disorder in which the sufferer suffers from horrendous pain in the head. There are some particular reasons for pain due to migraine, which should be checked right away We will clarify in insight about such reasons in the article. In addition, side effects of sickness and shortcomings are now and again found in the patient. Although doctors recommend using certain medicines to treat migraines, yoga is a better option for migraines. Along with doing yoga, it is necessary to take medicine and nutritious food at a fixed time to overcome this problem. In this article, we will tell you about some special yoga asanas for migraine headaches used as a home remedy.

What Is Migraine?

Migraine is a severe headache in the half of the head. Before the pain of headache begins, the person starts to feel few side effects, so that he realizes that the pain is going to start in a short time. In some cases, migraine pain occurs only at certain times.

Migraine also affects human eyes. A person suffering from a migraine may also have glasses or their number may be more or less. Migraine hurts with every heartbeat. this problem mostly occurs in people between 15 and 55 years of age.

Why does Migraine Occur?

Migraine is the result of chemical activity occurring inside the brain. Doctors believe that when there is any abnormal activity in the brain, certain chemical comes out. Due to which the blood vessels in the brain start spreading.

Scientists have not yet been able to get an opinion on the reasons for the release of these chemicals. But the general belief is that this chemical discharge occurs due to the pressure on the vein walls.

Headache is greatly increased due to swelling and pressure in the veins. If someone has had a migraine problem before in the family, it can be even more frightening.

How is Yoga Help to curve a Migraine?

In order to understand how yoga benefits in avoiding migraines, we need to know that yoga is an ancient art.

It has not only been used as a treatment for many serious problems, not just migraines.

Yoga works to control the physical, mental, and respiratory function (breathing process).

It also improves blood flow in the body. Migraine problems can also be relieved when all body parts start functioning optimally and physical fatigue, as well as mental stress goes away.

Let me tell you that mental stress is also an important cause of migraine.

This is a common thing, but scientific research done in this regard has also proved that doing yoga can get rid of the problem of migraine to a great extent.

Best Yoga Asanas for Migraine Headaches

Explain that there are many types of yoga, which are helpful in curing this disorder by removing the risk factors related to migraines such as – depression, anxiety, insomnia, and blood pressure. We are going to tell you some such special yoga asanas.

1.Padmasana (Lotus position)

How is profitable:

The word Padmasana is a combination of Sanskrit words. The Padma in this means lotus flower.

At the same time, asana means posture. It is also called a lotus seat. This yoga process is considered helpful for insomnia, stress and joint problems and improving the digestion process.

For this reason, Padmasana can be considered very beneficial yoga asanas for migraine headaches.

For example, migraine problems can happen even if the level of protein in the body is imbalanced.

In such a situation, by doing Padmasana, the body is able to absorb protein, due to which the symptoms of migraine can be reduced to some extent.

To find out about this asana, click here: Complete Guide of Padmasana(Lotus Pose)

How to:

  • First of all, sit on flat ground by laying yoga mats.
  • Now keep the right foot on the left thigh with the help of both hands.
  • Similarly, keep the left leg on the right thigh.
  • Keep head, neck, and waist straight.
  • At the same time, put your hands above the knees and come to jnana mudra.
  • Presently take a full breath right now at that point discharge it gradually.
  • Repeat this process several times and try to focus on your breath.
  • In the underlying stages, practice this procedure for a few minutes.
  • Later the practice time can be extended from 10 to 15 minutes.


  • In the case of pain in the feet or knees, do not force the legs to bend.
  • Pregnant women should not attempt this asana.
  • This asana should not be done if there is an injury to knees and ankles or back pain.

2.Uttanasana(Standing Forward Bend)

How is profitable:

Uttanasana is made up of two words Uttana and Asana. Uttan means drawn and easy means mudra.

This type of yoga works to stretch the muscles of the body. It is believed that yoga headaches stress and work to overcome stomach ailments related to blood pressure and liver with back pain.

For this reason, it can be said that Uttanasana can prove to be very helpful yoga asanas for migraine headaches.

How to:

  • First of all, stand upright by laying yoga mats.
  • After that, take a deep breath and move both your hands to the waist.
  • Now releasing the breath, bend forward and take the upper part of your body near the feet.
  • Keep in mind that while doing this, only your part of the waist is bent.
  • Now remove both your hands from the waist and try to touch the ground.
  • Also, try to touch the head with the knee. Make sure that you do not have any stretch in your neck while doing so.
  • Stay in this state for a few minutes and keep breathing normally.
  • Now while breathing, slowly come back to your initial state.


  • If there is a pain in the back or thighs, do not do it.
  • If there is any problem related to breathe, avoid doing this asana.
  • Pregnant women must consult a doctor before performing this asana.
  • If you have glaucoma or other retina related disorders, this should not be done easily.

3.Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose)

How is profitable:

This type of yoga is made up of the adjustment of four words. Adho means forward, mouth means face, dog means dog and posture means posture.

This means that the way the dog stays in the posture while stretching its body, it tries to create the same posture.

This yoga pose helps to make the muscles flexible and strong. This asana is mainly used to keep stress, insomnia, blood circulation, and the digestion process right.

How to:

  • First of all, sit in the posture of Vrajasana by laying postures.
  • Now, while leaning forward, place the palms on the ground.
  • After this, while exhaling, straighten the knees and raise the waist upwards.
  • Then with the help of hands, make the body lightly backward and try to raise the waist as much as possible.
  • Also, try to stick the ankles to the ground and look towards your navel.
  • The entire weight of the body will be on the hands and feet.
  • Stay in this state for a few seconds and keep breathing normally.
  • Then, while exhaling, bend the knees and return to normal.


  • You need to be careful in case of wrist pain or difficulty, otherwise, the discomfort may increase.
  • Shoulder, waist, back, and arms have discomfort, then this process should not be done.
  • To do this asana, pregnant women must seek medical advice.
  • Avoid doing this asana if you have eye or ear infection or blood pressure problems.

4.Marjaryasana(Cat Pose)

How is profitable:

The name Marjari Easy is derived from the Sanskrit marjar word. Actually, marjar means cat in Hindi.

Like the name, in this posture, we try to put stress on our back in a cat pose. This Yogasana is mainly used to relieve tension, spine, and back-related discomfort.

Therefore, regular practice of this yoga can prove to be quite beneficial for migraine.

How to:

  • First of all sit on the state of Vajrasana by laying yoga mats.
  • Now spread the hands forward and place them on the ground and straighten the back.
  • At this time body posture should be like a cat.
  • Now while exhaling, bring the chin towards the chest and bring the waist outwards in a round shape.
  • After this, slowly exhale and lift the head upwards and press down the waist and bring it into a round shape.
  • In this posture, tension will be felt in the chest and back. Try to stay in both these situations as long as possible.


  • Do not bend the elbows and arms during this easy.
  • Keep the thighs and arms straight, otherwise, there may be pain.
  • Avoid doing this asana in case of pain in neck, waist or feet.

5.Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

How is profitable:

This process of yoga is named by the adjustment of three words. In this, West means backwards, Uttan means tension and Asana means posture.

This causes tension in the spinal cord while attempting this yoga asana. Along with digestion, insomnia, and stress, this asana is considered beneficial in removing blood pressure and stomach related disorders.

It also balances body temperature. Therefore, this asana is very helpful yoga asanas for migraine headaches.

To find out about this asana, click here: Complete Guide of Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

How to:

  • First of all sit on the ground by spreading yoga mats on the feet.
  • Keep in mind that the legs are close together and knees should be straight.
  • Keep neck, head and spine straight.
  • Now while exhaling, slowly lean forward and move the palms to the toes.
  • Make sure that the knees do not bend.
  • Try to hold the toes with both hands.
  • Also, try to keep the head on the knees.
  • Stay in this state for a few minutes and keep breathing normally.
  • After this, breathe straighten.


  • Pregnant women should not do this asana.
  • People with asthma, ulcers and slip discs (joint-related disorders) should avoid performing this asana.
  • This posture should not be done if there is back, waist or any kind of operation.

6.Sethu Bandhasan(Bridge Pose)

How is profitable:

Shavasana consists of two words. One is the shava, which means a dead body. and asana means body posture

Therefore, in this posture, an attempt is made to achieve the condition of the dead person.

With the use of this asana, energy and concentration are achieved along with reducing stress.

At the same time, this yoga is considered very beneficial even in the problem of blood pressure.

How to:

  • Lie on your back by laying yoga mats on the ground.
  • Keep your palms at some distance from the body.
  • The direction of the palms towards the sky.
  • Keep both legs straight and maintain some distance between them. Also, leave the entire body loose.
  • Now try to concentrate by closing your eyes.
  • Breathe lightly and consider that your body has become completely lighter.
  • During this, pay special attention to keeping the brain completely calm.
  • Remain right now around four to five minutes. Later return to a state of rest.


Now you must have known well how yoga benefits for migraine. Also, through the article, you will have come to know about some special Yoga asanas for migraine headaches.

In such a situation, if you are also suffering from migraine problems or want to include yoga in regular use to maintain physical health, then it will be necessary that you read all the information given in the first article thoroughly.

For any other type of suggestions and questions in this subject, you can connect with us through the comment box below.


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