

My Dog Bit a Person: An Enneagram Perspective

It’s never good when your dog bites a person. Your feelings range from shock to horror, to rage and shame, all in about two...

Oak Park, Berwyn, Elmhurst, and Evanston! — Ahimsa Yoga Studio

Celebrate Mother's Day with our special Hatha yoga classes at all Ahimsa Yoga Studio locations, also available via live stream. Join us...

Your Best Biohack Health Tip, Based on Your Enneagram Type

Biohacking, the practice of using science, technology, and nature to optimize your body and mind has been gaining momentum since the first biohackers started...

Come escape with Ahimsa to El Salvador this winter! — Ahimsa Yoga Studio

What’s included? Abundant joyful activities!Twice Daily Yoga/Meditation Schedule may vary when there is an excursion planned, but morning meditation/active yoga and evening...

Book review: A Restless Truth (The Last Binding #2) by Freya Marske

Book review: A Restless Truth (The Last Binding #2) by Freya MarskeA sultry queer romance set aboard a ship crossing the Atlantic, with a...

Worldwide News, Local News in San Francisco, Tips & Tricks
