The other day on Instagram I asked for your top recs of things you’d either discovered on your own or that I influenced you to buy and you wound up loving, so I corralled them all into a list here. I also included my personal recommendations and viral products I also bought and did not like, just for fun. Where applicable, I’ve used affiliate links which simply means I’ll earn a very small commission if you happen to shop through my links. Thanks for the support. May next year be far better than this.
Products You Loved that I Influenced You to Buy
Accupressure Mat
Magnesium Lotion
Wave Spray for effortless wavy hair
Oribe Texturizing Spray
Bombas Socks
Biohm pre and probiotics – Use code YOGABYCANDACE for discounts on all products.
Diamond Cleaning Pen – Oh yes, I love this thing. It makes quick diamond cleaning so easy.
Four Sigmatic Lion’s Mane Coffee
Intention Factor® Programming
Your book
The Candace Mug – Ah yes! My favorite mug ever. I co-designed this with my friend Julie. I don’t make a dime off of it, I just am passionate about a good mug and this one is perfection, if I do say so myself!
Free to Be Sports Bra – I love this thing, it’s the only one I wear consistently because it fits really well for me (smaller torso, larger cup size). Oooo, and I found a dupe! I personally haven’t tried the dupe, but reviews seem decent!
Dog Tooth Plaque Powder – This stuff really works. I wish I’d started Buckles on it when he was younger, but it truly does work. You do need to be consistent with it, and give it about 4-6 weeks before the plaque will literally just fall off.
Your online rental classes – You can also own these! Great for when you’re traveling and don’t have access to strong wifi but still want to workout.
Levels Protein Powder – Use code GYC20 for 20%.
Postpartum Core Reconnection Program
Intention Factor® Merch – The shirts are SO soft, and the fleece sets are SO cozy! Use code FEELSLIKEFALL for 40% off.
A yoga retreat! – My next wellness retreat is in Kenya this summer, hope you can join!
All your sweatpants
My whoop! (This person said: I love the insights it gives) – You’ll get a free month when you buy through my link.
Zum Laundry Detergent – Oh yeah, I’ve raved about this stuff for years. It’s so so lovely – smells incredible, all natural (not an endocrine disrupter!) and you only need the littlest bit!
Lululemon dupe leggings
Free People Jumpsuit – Here’s a dupe, too. I haven’t personally tried, but my friend has and loves them.
New Balance sneakers
Jade Yoga Mat – This one is great if you do hot yoga and you like an open cell construction mat.
A Liforme Mat – This one is great if you do regular room temp or warm yoga and like a closed cell construction mat.
Vital Proteins Creamer – I use this daily and like all the flavors except vanilla.
Foam roller
Oliveda Skin Care
LMNT electrolytes
Massage Gun
RAD Roller rod
Nuun Hydration
Alo Hoodie
Nike Metcons
Luxe Sheets