


Home on the range – by Rachel Zinman Yoga

I was diagnosed three days before I had to leave for India to teach a yoga teacher training. My endo told me to get...

Book Review of Yoga Wisdom: Warrior…

Great title huh?! I wish I could claim it as mine, but it is the title of an awesome new book by my good...

My Journey to Yoga Therapist — Tara Mitra Yoga

Four years ago I began to deepen my search for ways to truly help people. I began traveling to Chennai, India to...

Understanding Yoga Mudras: Meaning, Benefits, and Origins

Yoga is the process of awakening through practices that are physical, mental, motor, or intellectual and which originated in India. Yoga contains a number...

Yoga teacher training in India

Introduction Are you a German yogi in search of the eminent blend of tranquillity and transformation? Then don’t go anywhere else. Nestled on the tranquil...

How to Create a Yoga Website Your Students Will Love

#2. TextYour website will need copy, which is simply text intended to persuade someone to purchase, sign up, or take whatever action...

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