


How to Target the Rotator Cuff in Yoga — Jenni Rawlings Yoga & Movement Blog

Targeting the Rotator Cuff in YogaWith this understanding, we can target the rotator cuff in yoga in two ways:1) We can move...

Charity Yoga Event on North Beach Pier

  North beach 1 final.mp4    

How to be a (good) Yoga Teacher — Tara Mitra Yoga

A sea of Pattabhi Jois’ images cross my screen these days. Yoga starts with the first Yama, ahimsa (nonviolence), and if we...

Meet Dani Benjamin – Blog

Dani Benjamin is a Naturopathic Nutrition and Asyra Practitioner who restores balance to her clients through diet and lifestyle. Dani also runs a yearly...

The Yoga Lunchbox

By Sarah Marlowe SpenceThat time a vacuum cleaner sabotaged my kirtan. Yup, an odd situation. So I delved into that dream to figure out...

7 signs you’re ready to create an online offer

Are you a yoga teacher feeling like it’s time to take your teaching beyond the studio? Perhaps you’ve been thinking about how to reach...

Worldwide News, Local News in San Francisco, Tips & Tricks