377: Cultivating Contentment with Mary Flaherty
Amid so many negative things currently happening in the world, it can feel challenging to remain positive and be content with ourselves and our lives. How do we cultivate contentment? Is it possible? Is it important? What are some scientifically proven strategies we can adopt to navigate the ups and downs of life? Mary Flaherty shares more.
Mary Flaherty has over 30 years of experience as a psychologist and is a highly experienced university lecturer and curriculum developer. She has worked in Australia, Japan, Ireland, and the U.K and is also a researcher with published findings reported in TIME magazine. Her specific fields of interest include positive psychology, sleep, stress and anxiety management, meditation/mindfulness, and yoga. Mary has also been a yoga teacher for over 20 years.
In this episode, Mary shares more about her background, why she started studying contentment, and how it is different from happiness. She also talks about her new book “Keys to Contentment – from Science, Monks and My Mother”, sharing practical tips about how to be content and manage challenging situations. Mary explains some aspects of how the brain works that might help us when life is hard and highlights why being positive is so important.
Key Takeaways:
[2:30] Stand a chance to win one of two copies of Mary Flaherty’s book in this episode’s giveaway!
[3:40] Shannon gives a shout-out of thanks to sponsors OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.
[5:42] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode – Mary Flaherty.
[10:18] What inspired Mary to write a book about contentment and the science behind it?
“Contentment is sustainable again through the storms of life, it endures in difficulty.”
[13:47] Why did Mary decide to include her mother in talking about the keys to contentment?
[21:53] What are some scientifically proven strategies that help with contentment?
[35:53] Shannon pops in with a message about OfferingTree.
[37:56] How do we find Santosha in these challenging times we are living through? How do we balance being positive and grateful while holding space for what’s happening to others around us?
[42:20] Mary highlights why it is so important for us to become aware of our cognitive biases.
[46:00] What is our role as yoga teachers when our students share with us the struggles they are facing?
“Yoga is a wonderful tool, especially when life offers us very challenging circumstances.”
[52:54] What are some other things Mary hopes people would know about leading a more contented life?
“Nurture those social connections because they really will help us to be more content, to be less anxious, to be happier.”
[63:03] Shannon and Mary discuss how useful it can be to slow down and notice the details of life.
[65:08] Get your copy of Mary’s book on Amazon, Kindle, Audible, and iTunes. Connect with her on Instagram as well.
[66:08] What is one small thing you can try if you feel like you are far from reaching contentment?
“The only way we can counteract cruelty is not with cruelty. It’s with care.”
[67:16] Shannon reflects on her conversation with Mary.
[71:22] Shannon shares about some of the guest expert calls available in Pelvic Health Professionals.
[74:05] Shannon relates an experience she had recently that has been weighing on her.
Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree, Summer Biz Camp, and Pelvic Health Professionals.