HomeTOPICSChanges Changes - by Rachel Zinman Yoga

Changes Changes – by Rachel Zinman Yoga

Changes Changes – by Rachel Zinman Yoga

I’ve had diabetes for 16 years. At diagnosis it all seemed so unreal. I barely had symptoms, my blood sugars were mostly in range and it seemed like dietary and exercise changes were all that was needed. Now things are vastly different. I’m taking 7 shots a day, I need the average amount of insulin for someone my weight and age and living on insulin is my new normal.

But that doesn’t mean things aren’t tough. Things are super tough right now. I’ve been tweaking my doses for 6 months and still can’t seem to stay in range 70% of the time. The only variable in my life is stress. Stress from moving and changing countries after three years and the stress of trying to manage something that ultimately is impossible to manage. But I keep trying.

The biggest change in my life has been adopting a normal whole food diet. Overall I am way healthier, fitter and happier. And living in Australia I’m way busier. I work pretty well full time teaching yoga and managing an online yoga ashram where I’m the chief marketing and sales gal as well as web designer, video creator and lately chatGPT prompt master…

With life back to ‘normal’ I’ve been focussing on the axiom, one day at a time. Sometimes even one day at a time is too broad. Sometimes its 1 second at a time. Don’t get me wrong I’m not depressed or anxious…I’m just tired… tired of trying so hard to juggle all the balls in the air at once.

And yet… I’m also positive. Positive that I have the tools at hand to manage my health well. Positive because I have more support from my health care team then ever. And positive because I have the tools of yoga to support me on my journey.

I’m still a huge advocate for yoga and diabetes and that’s something that will never change.

If you’d like to connect with me and my offerings you can find me on Insight Timer, YouTube or become a member of our Online Yoga Ashram

With great Respect….


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