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No longer acting like this

It’s been a long time coming. I’ve often written here about my mental challenges around change when it comes to diabetes management. It took me years to pluck up the courage to take my first shot. I did everything I could while living with diabetes to restrict my food intake, so I wouldn’t need insulin. Not a great strategy.

When I started my insulin regime I was on about 4 units of long acting per day. Eventually I needed more, but there were issues with lows at weird times of day so my diabetes educator recommended I break up the dose into two shots.

A couple of years ago my new diabetes educator suggested that maybe that strategy wasn’t working. I was having big and fast drops at lunch time making it challenging to do anything. I’m talking lows every half hour between 11 and 1, no matter the treatment strategy.

So last week when she suggested I try to switch to one shot a day I acquiesced.

No longer acting like this

I’m just 2 units shy of having one dose a day and I am quite relieved that so far it hasn’t gone to “hell and a hand basket” as my diabetes educator joked. In fact, it’s been a good test for the tools I have had in play since working with the Diabetes Psychologist Mark Heyman in 2022.

He helped me to put my experiences with lows and highs in perspective. If you haven’t already, get “Diabetes sucks, but you can handle it” It’s a lifesaving resource which includes practical activities to engage with any mental health challenges around living with Type 1 diabetes.

As I am still not fully on the other side of my changeover to one shot a day I can’t report any earth-shattering revelations, but I do feel like celebrating the wins along the way. Like no big low at lunch time anymore. Flat levels at night and more peace of mind. If you are struggling with an aspect of your management I highly recommend getting some extra eyes on the issue and also trusting their experience and advice.

It took me almost 15 years to get there but I’m so glad I did!

With great respect,


P.s Yoga for Diabetes Blog  was just named one of the best diabetes blogs by for 2024! I’ve been a bit remiss in writing lately so really appreciate the recognition and nudge.

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